At the September Parish Council meeting, on behalf of the community, we presented Mike Mount with gifts for his hard work and tenacity as Parish Clerk over the past 18 years and welcomed the new Clerk Dee Corney.
Mike will be taking the reins on the Parish Newsletter and the Parish Council wished to thank Therese Luke for her diligent work as editor over the past decade.
Mike will also be working on digitising the village archive and will continue to help with the community website. The website may be updated in the near future but we’re continuing to scope this out.
The Parish Council has been working hard with the Orchard Group on finalising the lease agreement for the Community Orchard below the recreation ground. Much of the evening was spent working on the agreement and we hope to have it agreed very soon. There is concern about the cost of the agreement and this will be discussed again, but the hope is that once the 50-year lease is in place, then the Orchard Group will be able to get funding for the project going forward.
The bridge at Cuddesdon Mill is due to be closed from 30th September for one week for inspection. We are unsure exactly what this will entail in terms of any repairs but hope that this will not lead to another closure soon after.
We are very grateful to David Keene for the repairs done on the mill road laybys and we are also looking to see how we can sort out the laybys on the road to Wheatley near Coombe Wood. These laybys are especially vulnerable to fly tipping and we have also been looking at cameras to see if they might be a good option.
We will be cutting back encroaching vegetation in the play area and hope that we can get this done in time for Bonfire Night which has been set for Sunday 3rd November.
The Parish Council
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